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来源:中国领事服务代办中心 发布时间:2023-10-13



  1. L 类型: 颁发给想去中国旅游或访友的人。不需要邀请信,但必须提供机票信息。即使你在中国没有熟人,也可以开始你的中国之旅。
  2. Q2 类型: 颁发给想去中国探亲的人。不需要提供机票信息,但必须有家人的邀请信。如果你在国内有关系,那就得好好利用。
  3. M 类型: 颁发给参与中国商业和贸易活动的申请人。需要由你要访问的中国公司出具的正式邀请函。这个邀请函需要包括情况介绍,使用单位的信笺,并有负责人的签名和盖章。任何一项都不能缺少。
  4. S2 类型: 如果邀请人在中国工作或学习,但没有中国身份证或绿卡,他们仍然可以邀请家人申请S2签证来中国探亲。


Here are the explanations of different types of 10-year Chinese visas:

  1. L Visa: Issued to people traveling to China for tourism or to visit friends. You don’t need an invitation letter, but you’ll have to show flight information. No need to know anyone in China; you can still make your trip.
  2. Q2 Visa: Issued to those visiting relatives in China. You don’t need to show flight information, but you will need an invitation letter from a family member. If you’ve got connections back home, make good use of them!
  3. M Visa: Given to applicants engaged in business or trade activities in China. You’ll need a formal invitation letter from the Chinese company you’re visiting. This should include an overview of the situation, be on official letterhead, and have the signature and official stamp of the responsible person. Nothing can be left out.
  4. S2 Visa: If your inviter is working or studying in China but doesn’t have a Chinese ID or green card, they can still invite family members to apply for an S2 visa for family visits.

Each type has its own set of requirements tailored to the reason for the trip.

上一篇: 中国签证材料要求,各类中国签证准备材料

下一篇: 如何快速办理中国签证?有哪些签证类型?
